How Can You Tell If Your Family Lawyer Is Competent?

How Can You Tell If Your Family Lawyer Is Competent?

Hiring Best Family Lawyer Auckland is an important decision. You’ll want to get the best representation possible for your case, and that starts with knowing you’re working with someone who is qualified and experienced.

Key Points to Consider while choosing Family Lawyer:


It’s also important to look at a lawyer’s experience. While it may seem like common sense that someone with a lot of experience would be good at what they do, you may be surprised to find out how many lawyers don’t have much practice in the area of family law.

If you’re Looking for Estate Lawyer Auckland, make sure they’ve been practicing family law for several years and have handled hundreds of cases similar to yours. This shows that they know what they’re doing and are likely to win your case if it goes before a judge or jury.

Specialized Knowledge

Your family law attorney should have specialised knowledge and experience in the area of family law. Family law is a specialised field involving the legal rights and responsibilities of families.

It includes divorce, child custody, child support and visitation arrangements for children, prenuptial agreements for married couples who want to protect their assets from future division during a divorce or separation, domestic violence issues and other matters related to managing the family unit.


Family lawyers must be trained on the laws that govern these issues as well as how they apply under specific circumstances; many attorneys specialise further by focusing on specific areas within family law (for example: adoption).

Because this area of practice requires extensive knowledge of state laws regarding personal relationships as well as court processes it takes years of education before an attorney can practice effectively in this area.

Your lawyer may not always know exactly how things will turn out but he or she should be able to provide you with sound advice based upon what has happened in similar cases before so that you can make informed decisions about your case moving forwards.

Client Reviews

Here are some ways to know if your lawyer is competent:

  • Client reviews. It’s always a good idea to look for a lawyer who has positive reviews from past clients. You can find these on the lawyer’s website, in Google reviews and Yelp reviews, and sometimes on other sites.
  • Ask friends and family for recommendations. If you don’t know enough people with experience in family law to ask them directly, you can also ask around among your friends or family members who have been through divorce or child custody issues. They might be able to recommend an experienced lawyer they went with in their own situations.
  • Get references from the attorney himself/herself. When interviewing lawyers, make sure that each of them gives you names and contact information for past clients who can speak about their experiences doing business with them—this should include both current clients as well as ones whose cases have long since been resolved; there’s no reason why anyone should hesitate when asked this question by someone considering using his/her services!


If you’re looking to hire Best Family Lawyer Auckland, look for someone who has the experience, specialised knowledge, and client reviews to back it up.

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